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Mr. Janssen's Classroom

Grade 8


1st Provincial Report Card - Strands and Expectations

Number Sense

- represent, compare, and order equivalent representations of numbers, including those involving positive exponents;

- solve problems involving whole numbers, decimal numbers, and fractions, using a variety of computational strategies;


- develop geometric relationships involving lines, triangles, and polyhedrons and solve problems involving lines and triangles;


- represent linear growing patterns using graphs, algebraic expressions, and equations;


- determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes including the area of a circle and its circumference;


2nd Provincial Report Card - Strands and Expectations

Number Sense

- solve problems involving integers, using a variety of computational strategies;


- determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes including volume and surface area of a cylinder;


- develop geometric relationships involving right triangles and solve problems involving right triangles;


- solve simple algebraic equations using a variety of strategies, including inspection, guess and check, and using a balance model;

Data Management

- use probability models to make predictions about real-life events;



Grade 7


1st Provincial Report Card - Strands and Expectations

Number Sense

- solve problems involving whole numbers, decimal numbers, and fractions, using a variety of computational strategies;


- sort and classify triangles and quadrilaterals by geometric properties;


- evaluate algebraic expressions by substituting whole numbers, fractions and decimals for variables;


- determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes including the area of composite two-dimensional shapes;

Data Management

- compare experimental probabilities with the theoretical probability of an outcome involving two independent events;


2nd Provincial Report Card - Strands and Expectations

Number Sense

- solve problems involving integers, using a variety of computational strategies;


- determine the relationships among units and measurable attributes including volume and surface area of right prisms;


- describe location in the four quadrants of a coordinate system and dilatate two-dimensional shapes;


- modle real-life  linear relationships graphically and algebraically and solve simple algebraic equations using a variety of strategies;

Data Management

- collect and organize categorical, discrete, or continuous primary data and secondary data and display the data using charts and graphs;

Student Assessment:
Students will be assessed from four perspectives:
Knowledge (subject specific content acquired in each specific strand)
Thinking (the use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes)
Communication (the conveying of meaning through various forms)
Application (the use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts)
Various assessment tools will be utilized (including and not limited to):
Quizzes, Tests, Homework Quizzes, Assignments, Journal Entries, Activity based centers, and FollowingTeacher Instructions (FTI: Homework, Correcting Wrong answers on quizzes, tests with a signature)
Please note:  
1.  The weighting of the work may change from unit to unit.
2.  Not all units will include an assignment, and therefore the weighting of marks will change.
3.  The weighted average is an approximation of the students mark as the teacher will take into consideration a number of factors (including but not limited to):
a) the students mode (i.e. their most consistent mark)
b) the most recent mark (i.e. the test).
c) if their are any outliers in the mark data set (i.e. the student had an unusual assessment that did not match their mode)

Minimum Requirements for a Level 4
- Title, printed in ink (or typed) and underlined with a ruler.
- Date in top right corner.
- Name and Home Form on the Front Page
- Use rulers, templates, compasses etc. throughout the assignment.
- Always write out the question, followed by the answer.
- Answer all questions correctly.
- If hand written, use blue or black ink.  (No gel pens).  Use pencils for all drawings.
- Hand in a final good copy, no white-out, no cross-outs etc.
- Good connection between explanations and drawings and or examples.
- The explanation never leaves the reader asking "Why?".
- Take your time.  If you have messy hand writing then Print!!!!!!!!!!!
- If you wish, you may use a computer to type up your assignment (although not necessary).

We are dedicated to teaching a child as much as possible during each class. Our classrooms are an open and friendly setting that allow students to contribute.

Sir Ernest MacMillan Sr. Public School
TDSB, Scarborough, Ontario.